Monday, September 15, 2008

September 11, 2008

from All one, revolving, 2003

Beginning of the world!

That origin, far away
“and not the least didactic! ”
She said
You think me didactic?
A Duck?

That this empty world should not add up?
Covering, face in hands
To One,
Peeking out
Bombs falling

Flags Waving, waving
Suntanned boy waving
with blond crewcut..
John F. Kennedy.

I keep seeing
The airplane
One still can’t-- believe it
Banners flying, blue sky
Squirrels in the park, pigeons--

Comic antic, lovers dream
Blue sky down below
This empty flag
Flip, flag flip-- Silent
I have a dream

Embody the ideals
Inflating, blowing up
The Memorial of crashing building
Fleeing crowd
Reflected in eyes
Looking up!

Flaming birds, flaming birds
Tiresome to talk of how
We’ve purchased it--
Their feet are on fire
No One Idea.

The sparrows--
The sun slants
Through the tall buildings
Men down in long alleys.
I’m out walking
the shards,

The blue hills
The silent wind
Purple tragedy, cloud drift
Red square fades to white
The wall,
A form equal to the listing of reality.

Black and white
Depth into present
We make Art,
Not to be able to

We go on never able,
We just go on,
Something beautiful
An ordering of thought

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hurricane in Nappeague, NY

from Road Movie 2000

yes, “I’m out here,”
but, I wanted to paint the sea--

the hurricane surf,
I wanted to make a painting
wedding Benton and Pollock
like the beach rose for Becky
a kind of intimacy,

Jackson, made a beach rose
painting, for a girl named Becky
it stuck in my mind with
the same touch of affection
and foreignness

the hurricanes roared through
they were fun, and the drama
they brought--we surfed
as much as we could,

sitting at the overlook, reading the paper
watching the swell, waiting
the waves would get too big
then weather turning round

there would be a moment,
PERFECT! rolling, curling tubes of--
and the wind-- flattens it all out
Wow! those waves were great,
you know that feeling?

a few beach roses left,
mostly the red orange hips
the orange day lilies are gone and
the trumpet vine to seed
out back the candle is
bleached, white

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Achilles/ Fire 1982

Excerpted from Clouds, leaves, waves.

shaped spirits of archetypal
torsos, struggle, plunge,
contemplating guilt, drunken
and whirled as dervish,
to depths--
drowned in lust,
the fueled fires light the beach.

Black figures stand and stare
at shadows on the moon.
Philosophy, hardly biblical, is
powered by darkest boasts
the colors of Melville and Pollock.

fires on the beach,
the silhouetted forms in black
wetsuits, heroic, from another age.
the Shadows of blazoned on cliffs,
voices whisper, here and then--
video and photos flash,
that we were here, alive tonight.
A plane blinks in the dark,
we look for the moon to rise,
platform Holly flashes like a cake
on the horizon.

She told of Ed Ricketts and
further away places in Mexico,
The Sea of Cortez, I remembered,
striped snails and his saying,
“...that many of the inhabitants
of this region, could scarcely be taken
as obvious.” We saw figures
in the stars and then forgot.

This post is related to recent post on Achilles/ Fire event in 1982.


Monday, August 4, 2008

some Goldfinches from, All One , revolving

Not wanting to leave

this Wilder place
And he’s following a star--
Writing it down
Each day
The gold finches

Are back
The kitchen table
The flooded warm light
Silent wind outside, the limbs flinch
Whirrr--- and are gone

I walked with the dog
Worried I’d spent too much time
In this abstract head, removed
Missed these amazing moments
Playing themselves out

Gold finches gone
Missed the cottonwoods
all in gold
Back along the ridgeline
Down into the wash

A handful of feathers
I’m down there looking
On my hands and knees, realizing
I’m surrounded by Lion’s tracks
These feathers

had been in a Lion’s mouth

Gold Finches, from Back 2 the Studio

he saw the light flowing across
the kitchen table,
all quiet as the goldfinches
bobbed noiselessly
on the goldenrod
it was, 2000 the end of the end
we were still here

any one wondered as to how
the images continued and alternated
the narrative rambling
to the symbol height, the ordered
abstract direction winding round
renewed, then investigated

sacred revolving
down to profane
from that eternal and universal
term, to every day
sight, the flower there

now in the SUN, increased
that sublime, come down
he was down and out, hitching
on Road Movie
the desert washboard

End of Summer selection from Road Movie, 2001

(Goldfinches make an appearance and then again, in above.)

It seemed the first day of Autumn,
falling from height
to dream of passion
sadness of a morning after,
keeping company

with the wind
the quaking aspen,

reflections in the glass
the mind going over--
motions of searching bodies
mixing time with the Chinese bells
something reminding

the strewn poem, in the wind
intermixes into a complexity
and mystery
and style
of going about

it all, the ants marching on
carrying the
‘hopper high aloft--'
through hail stone storm and festival of summer end
can not go back to fix anything

summer fades, autumn onset
the many paintings missed,
that Sunflower’s bloom,
finch bobbing
in the wind, the toads gone,

bunny hopping along
pausing, the ancient fear in its eye
watching, I get up to make some lunch
in the silent house, the warm sun
across the table

looking out on the changing light
cloudy amphitheater of yard,
the flowers turning,
the magpie’s sawlike voices
announcing themselves,

I try to own it
decorating my head
with the revolving orders,
these cut out shapes
of cloud and hill and bush

a wreathe
of golden
the whole
once again
journey’s end

letting go
and satisfied

the moment

Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Mexico, selections from Road Movie

just wanted to camp, reading outside,
Rexroth, a beautiful poetry, reading
bringing along
Kerouac and Snyder, Ginsberg
and that fellow, Witter
Bynner from New Mexico
to read Chinese
poems, poets singing of--
Jade Mountain
mad in the mountains
wedding the west, to beloved

going through all the places, people,
rehearsing the story of California
the Big Sur
Yosemite monuments
the desert Mojave

SB and LA
New Mexico,
the old west like, my movie,

the homeless guy
no name, over there, black and blue
in the shaded corner

country music on the radio, out of state plates,
through windmills, my poem
becomes the song of lonely spaces ,
yearning for love, the connection in the wind
headed into it, south from Texas into New Mexico,

the west, incredibly--
as I cross that invisible state line, crystalline shapes
and cotton candy clouds reflecting earth, red
planted in green, turning to prairie
grass deepening into sage, thunderheads

beyond covering mountains in distance
anvil like cardboard cloud,
pinned to flat lonely space, varoom, the Greyhound
bus to Amarillo, passes in black smoke
and I'm left,

Santa Fe train, a B-line into the distance my spirit
here enlarged, nothing like it,
Arkansas woods are interior
compared to this New Mexico-- space
and lonely wind, following the long march

of Katchina looking power-poles, a raven swoops
surfacing and the sinking,
butterfly stroke, swimming in this bottomless
lake of saline solution, unstinging to the eyes,
surface and sink

heavenly body of water,
immersed in my journey
leaving behind inside turning
to outer space
dying into this land, free

a soul left out flapping,
wholly bodiless
in the sun and wind, clearer again than I
could remember, here remembering
it even as I see,

Gallop, New Mexico
is the perverse twistings of one culture
upon another,

a sorry drunken Indian asking--
we were spotted as tourist,
I surprised myself
by letting out a rude reprimand,
I became the sorry one

as I watched him shrink away,
we turned
fast from this town of pawn and aimlessness,
lost without expression, lost pride
with out place,

invisible at the coffee shop,
we sheepishly downed
our enchiladas and coffee,
drifting out
onto the mysterious emptiness

of the winding path, confused,
washing machines on roads and
refrigerators in the cottonwoods
winking in the hot breeze
wrecked cars,

there a painted pony
lovely against the mesa sky
a corn dance,
dancing for rain

and thanks for what crops were received
Kachinas represented these feelings
and prayed for the life, to continue
a tradition of designs carried their selves
weaving disparate places like Phoenix

and Hotevilla together, no Indian is the same
as I am not, the generalizations of an-- other
do not work, who would be the more spiritual
one? question mark?
I have a stone thrown at me

and a motion tells me to remove
my hat, Gringo with no respect,
the others all shielded from the sun, with umbrellas
and hats, too? I shrug, this is tricky
business but the mesmerizing music, or

rhythm continues, continues and that
is what is important, this art is about
continuing, being something different, and the
same, that stopping-- owning their life
is just their-- just wanting to go on, asking

nothing, before the corrupting addictions
to quell a people full of fear, arriving
we roamed to the rhythm
kicking shards
of dreamed pots at our feet, everywhere

where pots and bones, the procession
arrived in green fir and black grease,
the rhythm produced in the hot sun
a hallucination like
a hand bringing

something forward unseen, coaxing
over and over, the drone of bees, design
brought forward, differing feelings
and fads of the place, the figured spirits,
there, we watched from the roofs

of the tiny rock town, spirit ladders
reaching to the sky, watching
shuffling from foot to foot, captured
there in a time’s bubble,
clouds arriving

and-- looking up with surprise
to passing wind and rain
every one murmuring, the drone
the brief sprinkle

fleeting into dryness
of desert air, continuance,
the rhythms of sex,
or death, in the
cycle of life, beauty way

the meaning of order,
in a poetry of belonging
to something even larger
than this sacred place
standing apart is not allowed

or could one be capable of--
buried in that dirt I can only glimpse--
I cannot give up this divided life
a hypocrite? thrown stones
reluctantly we leave,

amazed and confused
driving away, to our civilization
and culture, we regretted
our decision, to go
we had been close and needed

to leave, we ever anxious to keep going
on to the next,
off balance a bit, we drove on
hardly stopping through
the tourist laden trading posts

dashed upon--wave after wave
remembering the yellow rabbit
brush, blue sky, green against red, earth
of New Mexico design, brings me back
coloring the place, already

but now, I’m driving highway culture,
East, now and I NEED TO PEE
I have to begin the search, losing the freedom
relying on Burger King--
I’ll be happy-- to see, my old friends,

I miss, but then the doubts, I’m so out of it,
out there, here, the
tightening spaces
make obvious the social ills
having become the life,

of the east,
the built upon built,
upon tension of--
the power politics involved,
becoming savvy in this Art,

the painting’s sensuality, so old fashioned
in that we don’t have the depth
for those big paintings any more
and the fashion changes to small,
“A Good Thing,” they say

the profane world is the subject
what we can see, that’s trouble enough
forgetting that inner space
although it is obvious
that it is becoming the only space

left, the new West the reaches
of the Romantic inner distance,
the debased art, the empty church
everything for sale,
in the what’s new

next economy, picking through for Poetry,
“negotiating rapture” I’ve heard it said
beyond innocent transcendental reach,
my poem repeats ,
un- original thought

if this was all there was, I’d end the poem here--
in desperation
add glamour to that despair
never seen reality, the ordered poem
what Long Island had been

looking for new poem, to keep going,
flipping through the fashion magazines,
having replaced art becoming the art,
next thing,
down runway,

Monday, July 7, 2008

New listings of older Poems

See new listings of older poems at right.

Monday, April 28, 2008

More stars than Earth


something about the birds, on fire
falling, into, strange mix
"the world is a sewer..."

in cartoon bubble
"and we live in hell"
that deep, the depth, the deeper
deep, to emergent, bubbling--
any figure’s depth,

like this crisp rising shape
now, the Surface!, then fragmented--
some how, in cycle, no one reality-- knows
all the new worlds of flowers, stars
his Pennsylvania, my India

the father seemed the reality--
death, he was reading
Fate and Power, deeper
between the classic surfaces
of blue Freedom, of indifferent sky
marching Egyptian fate, the stars

Western dream and
Asian meander
dark propelling light
“go on, wandering--”


lost, distant
the inevitable fall back into dream
the heights abstracted, distance
he fell into October
evening passed to dark

interminable stars
out there
that depth dreaming creation
the nothingness of
the everything returning


black, black, black
color in the dark night of stars
is the mother of beauty

the black and white of drawing
into the color of the day, the sun
the hero of DAY, the idea-- of JANGLING
there! He said it-- out loud!

others could
hear, OH HEAR! it darts and stings
It’s this sensibility, this nature thing
he said it was all a camouflaged
religion of sorts

order it all from there
ordering from there--
red and yellow stripes
he’d been all over the place
had a dream

a shield and its dreamer
this black landscape
all the possibilities, weaving
between them, the light
the BLUE remembered hills, into leaves


made an analogy
to the world, a world

it falls and recycles
just busy work
looking like something
though-- here in the studio
a wall

repeating he became another,
a cartoon self somewhat
seeing himself in this balloon
this other-- in fallen--

what they called HERo
in his “as if--” world
made a mark on the wall
being there in the dark studio
the stars
the lack of surface--

then always still coming fore,
the he, the him
making, over hatching
the will, underlying eternal

beauty, it lifted him a moment,
beyond, the desire
he saw it in a dream,
a lotus flower at the Botanical Gardens
it was really truly amazing


major trope OF
figure and ground as ONE
all together
like Pollock, they probably
would talk about it

there sober, over the table
in the cold kitchen
late at night, the stars, revolving round
the branches swinging

he'd seen the branches in the studio,
high up, in the sky lit window
swoosh, how to get

to that seriousness
THE comic tragic serious
of it all
staking one's life on meaning
some thing or cycle of being
or just the sun

light-- to dark
up and down
from out there

in here

got something to bring along
dwell there
the black stars
the blue sky
his eyes

half shut he fell
back on his heels
trying to be
there in the half light
hearing the frogs


He was out there
“after he was dead,” someone said
some of them kept on
he kicked around in what was left
it hadn’t meant anything, to anyone else

this wasn’t his biography or something
they didn’t know him, for he
was already dead for sometime
but he found some pleasure
in looking over there

in the failing sun
fearing the stars
but relishing their crystalline
air and shimmer
dead god being god


a design

on a wall, the black paint
talking to himself
looking out there, beyond
everyday ideal, moment
falls, no ideal but ideas,

ideal world these phases
representing the painter
painting the aspen tree
among the September


drawing the two together

the sea and mocking bird
sprig of lilac
forever rocking
incessant death, rocking

death, and whispering
what he knew he couldn’t say
that gulping mystery seemed to
swallow him up


turning, turning,
in the same wind
beside the same blare, of the same
sunset, gone
into dark landscape
the space, revolving
in the thousands of miles

and hours of speed, of solar wind
who lasts? no man-- the tradition
who is that, collective
large red man reading
woman rocking--
sun and stars


some strange religion
of his own making
vibrant light, reflecting
between skitter and hop

here we go
between sun and flower
hero heightened
and clouds
and leaves the waves

solar hero and sun smeared villa
the red walls, dream in stars
bird flies across the floor
there then hi up--
in Silhouette


he needed some stars, he thought
untitled, in the stars, maybe--

Jack Frost never thought
he’d get this far,
to see them all stacked up
like playing cards
a Parcheesi game
of life, Joker sticking out behind


stars above broken leaves
the sunset diamonds
and aspen eye
everything together-- sunflower

seeds dribbling behind, striped


the experience, in the pokeweed
abstracted TO HEIGHT, what was
falling back around
through, THE stars,

he was connecting all these new paintings
back around
these new walls
are exciting, HE SQUINTED at first
he was making a picture of the whole

the form of the world,
he was happy he had seen, the
fictions together, revolving
all along with the breaking
of this super man,
at hand--

the rending apart
he said
the SPARagmos, he read
was THIS-- is LIFE!


old poem

that suffices, back in the library
asleep, through the years, revolving
stars turn dipper dipping
all forward motion, it seems
can't step into the river twice

but if one ran far and fast
enough ahead one could
see it coming
his, dreams in white shapes
he’d seen before
in deep space


they evolved into
the distant, sun
maybe too exuberant
falling in flame

the ship in the night
massive, dark
silent slivering, that Greek
severity of line
history's weight
of wrong--
Short shank--
was light weight

a little carried away--
prone to, to become
well, transported!
spirited away
what was!

happy he did
he would get through the night
morning always came
he always felt like going on
he supposed,


out there in the blue sky
wind whipping

sierra snow still beyond,
those daisies were waving
the red Pompeii like reality
heightened to diamond
from sun-- flower, blue

clouds puffing to thunderhead
in eternal height tinged
turning to evening
slate and yellowing to stars
purpling and the black dome closing

round dipper star
heaven lit
star, figure representing whole
that's it--
at that moment

that which was gone--

from Back 2 the StudiO

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Poem for Earth Day

Using the search function on my computer to find, Earth, in my new poem, Back 2 the StudiO, I came up with these 4 fragments.

from Back 2 the StudiO, in progress

Poem for Earth Day


the returning
birthing, of
new worlds cycling

wheels and wheels
circles of hell and earth
and extension to heaven
he shivered, he heard a rustling
there in the aspen woods

as he painted
that light--
he didn't often talk of that kind
of light on the trees
the yellow gold,

shimmer shake
a shiver
daimonic eruption
allegory of otherness
slipping through

in transparent mirror
the cycles
showing each
in turn, the nothing--
arriving to a surface

reality represented
Here, feel it, the older
god, this recognition--

the bird flutters and lights
upon a branch, there—


the stars revolved round
even behind the blinding blue
movement, signaling change--
how can the earth be whizzing
at 23,000 miles an hour

the spirit that occupies everything
another part--
wind in the hair
"no clouds in monument valley"
but still as he said

all those times before
"beyond remembering"
the splendor of--
Koyanisquatsi blaring--
there are more lights all
the time in the valley

the dogs barking, all night
the something off in the darkness
bringing back the boon
they keep him awake
now coyotes join in
night journey

but the, the making
and, life is just as mysterious as death--
made new--
New Orb Aloft!


the old sun and stars

the planet on the table
the earth in blue
sun, stars earth, revolving
the parts, that whole

in the studio
he kept coming
back to that tent idea
black drawing into idea-- the shield
red and yellow
Buddha colors
ideal beauty from death

the idea, beauty, order
all this as an after thought
"a poem" he said and backed away
the studio-- red, red reality
he was talking of irony

presence and absence
da forte
a copy of the original
all sounds like, evasions of

--god, again
or reality, big deal just
everything there is, out there
thrown in, to--
definitions crumpled up

thrown in, to--
all a good story
I HOLD THIS fiction
that is Eliot, he was just
going to say it simpler
his lie against time

a shield
going back, laying out the string
back into
the death like dream
and seeing what sufficed

to keep one there
a SIMPLE surface
maybe diamonded design
what we called reality, to be an
adequate, representing--
the building is underway
"THE new TEMPLE," Jack laughed


they were of the earth
he loved

packing the truck, carting it away
WITH hired hands
art is what’s underneath
that irony,
thinking he sees
his life here
at the crossing--
New Mexico border

scribbling life’ on dashboard
through Virginia
Tennessee and Oklahoma
into New Mexico

he said to himself
that he was doing the right thing
rolled up paintings
like dead bodies in the back
he thought of that time
carrying them up the stairs
at 68 Jay Street
THaT different war
its like a heaven here, maybe

he was gone,
gone and gone
arriving to these clouds
Crystal sight
he'd remarked before-- always did
to these clouds

Friday, March 21, 2008

Since Clouds, leaves, waves. 1996

Clouds, leaves, waves. was published in 1996, by Turtle Point Press with a preface by Harold Bloom.

There have been poems written regularly since 1996, but unpublished.

This site will record them.

There is 'Desert Poem' a poem written after the experience teaching at Deep Springs College in 1995.

'Long Island' follows and becomes the beginning of 'Road Movie' in 1996.

'Florida Poem' was written in 1995 after a painting trip there for a month in March 1995.

There has been 'Road Movie' started in 1996 and the last finished editing was in 2000.

Then, 'All One, falling.' written in 2001 and edited to 2003.

Back 2 the StudiO, is from 2005-06.

The method has been to follow journals of daily ideas and of painting in the studio. In the transcribing of them a rhythm or voice was found and it continues to this day, evolving as it goes on.

The writer is a painter and has always been aware of the lack of expertise the poems have in relation to the expenditure of energy in painting. I am aware also of the difference in daily habit from my writing and a poet writing daily, being his or her life.

Again, I am a painter.

But this writing continues and I have rather naturally continued recording it and so here it is.

I reserve any judgement myself and as Harold Bloom said in his preface to Clouds, leaves, waves., "it is not meant to stand alone."

Of course this is a question that presents itself as time goes on, what exactly is it?

Without the internet it would be as a friend said, 'just put away in a draw.'