Sunday, January 12, 2014

#6, He’d filled it uP.

#6, He’d filled it uP.

and cringed 
at the sharp thought 

of that extreme, 
would be and so far
from the form 
of Tom’s white fence, all slicked 

and new in the Summer Grass 
gleaming Green 
and that it really would turn out 
safe in Texas, 
safe as Texas, 

safe as Texas in Texas,
David’s father would always be madly 
in love with the eaRtH
magical wand of 

here, and 
Gone-- Fort DA!
everything is somewhat 
the same 

floating in Heaven 
of thought, remembered
in a dance in firelight
origin and 
Time lapse of-- Bang! and 

the evolutions 
towards our own moment
all crashing 
in a rapids of river time 
up over and down
Really explosive 

time a continuing Big Bang!
so why did Jack think this rough exaggerated 
worth the while, 
the style

Crispin liked, seeing how it 
was all hammered together.
organizing the content of 
one’s life in a form which

skipping along, keeping aloft 
on the peaks, the stones slipping
away falling to that dangerous 
Mother gulping 
after formlessness,

Cythonic woman of Eternity,
stars behind,
stars ahead.

from now OnwarD!
New Reality! HO! HO!

revolving around,
back in the library, Jack 
was making the plan.
He hurried
that mad woman gobbling 

up everything.
the painting tumbled around in the 
stars, upside

down, this version 
doubled again in the stars
a dick face and a fuck you 
had won the day.
Jack was on his own 

in the desert
this hero in the library was 
an old man’s game
but then my hero
the garbage man 

of the world
upside down world of mysterious 
leaves, that passage.
Jack had thought of it all 

many times over, and around 
and it changed slightly.
he remembered the blue hills,
it was different than 
he thought it would be

it was late
the yellowing sky, scattering 
slate of cloud
snow whipping at the very height
jangling diamonded light 

Stars aheaD.
continuing, snaking, New Poem.
I did what I could do, they 
were all left locked up in the barn.
I had to make my way 

before i lost my way
the snow was deep and the pipes 
were frozen,
the tracks were soon covered over,
the shadows blue

lenghtened into stripes across the way.
Blue stripes.
the light turned
a vertical thrust towards knowing
repeating enlarging idea

even here in the cold there 
was a numbing naturalism
he was reading the book
the cracking made them turn,
falling from

It took Jack back 
to the Massacio’s
tiny figure 
with his hands in the fishes mouth,
the gold coins spilling out.

A strange thought in the snow,

the S of the swan in the reeds

creating the language
blank in the reeds
the paintings were piled high 
against the sky 
He drew the little drawing.

seemed a competing image 
to the one in front of him.
compounded in his mind,
the earth was being destroyed 
it’s order and beauties 

we were guided by
loss and why it was 
being destroyed.
Henry and company were Burgers 
watching on, silent going about 

their King-ley, ways, LosT
they were part of the Hollow men, 
some one had pointed out this 
direction before. 

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