Monday, March 12, 2012

Clouds, leaves, waves. 1992

The Villa of the Sun
The Villa is in the setting sun.
The sublime comes down, to this--
a blank in our eye, 
a cycle of frescoes
the remembered pieces, in broken 
the sublime comes down--
to this
and wine, a few scraps scattered
The seasons of an idea, the weather 
changes, a different mix,
off into the distance
Haunting memories of
Pompeii, in the sun
(a certain quality, a special red
pigment fading)
reminds one of
our loss

 of the sacred.

flaking paint, the grey grid 
restored, then disintegrating-- 
the fragmented broken pieces.
The hardened crystal, signaling
some Supreme Fiction!
drifting, beyond 
to be created anew, Land for Sale!
maybe, go out ‘west’--
Crispin sings the credence 
the moment 
somehow grasped!
the very sun’s extinguishing...

Sapphires flash in the central sky,
An affair of places.
Out west, start over, having failed.
Needing the sun out west,
I think I’ll go out west.
Getting out of the car to make a picture of this.

The degeneration or heightening
of a thing, to a metaphor.
A distance from immediate hope
of being-- in the moment
The crystal seeing-- 
the being in the sun, experiencing
the things as they are--
heightened-- through thought
then, the realization of loss
and wanting to build out of memory
a revisioning, ordering, abstracting --
From what is always 
    changing, dying--
that abstracting distance 
from any original.

Shade toward a dreaming, the floating idea
to be rebuilt, (the Villa idea)
refurbished in some mythic distance
Love, is a yearning 
to be one, 
with a separation we feel
we are fallen from,
a search for connection,
forestalling death, loss
between ourselves and nature
a hopeful reason, for Art--
In a whirl 
a rope, swirl
   pots, the flowers burnt in the sun 
swallowed up into the sky
a grid appearing, the wall flaking
crumbles, starts to fall--
A fiction composed upon the wall.

The wall breaks 
The space opening--
LOOK-- alone, shh!
a ROSEate Spoonbill bird Ahh...!
My fellow, a god to me!

A mirror. I look into
our endangered... minds.
How dark we have, become
It’s late, we’re naked and 

We have no home to love.

in a paradise, we’ve lost
there, in the distance--
A desire, 

At this late hour.

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