Tuesday, December 24, 2013

1996 Road Movie Taking off

1996  Road Movie  Taking off 


this luxuriant dripping, green-- is!
and sinks me into reverie 

of the Yellow Breeches Creek, 
the elementary stories, 
of Indians and Hiawatha, washing 
in the stream, coming out with 
yellow britches, 

the waterfalls, and a memory 
of a smell, the crayfish, we caught 
with sock protected hands, 
in crevices of rocks, we stuck our hands 
into, my head is awake


to these first loves, 
nostalgia slows and but, maybe another day
I'm off!
I shift in my seat, still remembering the 
feet dangling, fishing 

ordering, the ideas set 
beside me, to become 
agon, to fight
at limits of strength 
at heights, sought!

the hills steepen
and back down through West Virginia, 
that old feeling  of back water, 
steep slate gothic roof 
hill to mountain, old red and gray, 

brick and granite, 


spaces and colors
a line weaving through

kept in order, they proceed, 
in spiraling fashion, style 
in cycle, dreaming winter
thoughts, attaining spring
and summer height of mind

into autumn,
to depth
of winter
spiraling form, 


The West, incredibly--
as I cross that invisible state line, crystalline shapes 
and cotton candy clouds reflecting earth, red 
planted in green, turning to prairie 
grass deepening into sage, thunderheads 

beyond covering  mountains in distance 
anvil like cardboard cloud, 
pinned to flat lonely space, v-aroom, the Greyhound 
bus to Amarillo, passes in black smoke 
and I'm left, 

out there, as a Santa Fe train, a B-line 
into the distance, my spirit 
here enlarged,


wind that blows through it all 
feeling the eternal 

of a turning center, 
the time-lapsed clouds 
shadows fleet
over land, black and white 
design of a vase

and voices of the land, 
and Asian influence, 
the narrow road connecting 
to eternal return and Indian hero journey, 


destroyed places, ironic Hero!

singing of what is left?
American Myths, 
off again 
on my journey, that is me the HERO
large, inside 

arms spread to outside, 
Summer Sun, to sing, 
deflecting, mocking, stinging-- 
death, saying no-- I say yes, 
got to keep on somehow

making something of the wreckage
I’ve always said, Yes, 
just do it-- swoops, 
the cycle


a corn dance,
dancing for rain 

and thanks for what crops were received
Kachinas represented these feelings 
and prayed for the life, to continue
a tradition of designs carried selves
weaving disparate places like Phoenix 

and Hotevilla together, 


beyond anything we’d ever seen, 
greens, blues, wow, a real fairy land 
of Indian Paintbrush, 
yellow, red, and purple, 

back lit glowing 
orange- red psychedelic, 
the alpine reflections 
and variations 

in green and blue 

in waters reflecting all of it, 

Road Movie consists of two trips to the west and back. This is the first going to California.
I guess part of the reason I am editing this is that it is very sprawling and I was looking for the poem’s essence.

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