1997 Brooken Beauty ...another round
a new
nature-- there culture is seeing,
but the continuing change--
all death
of moments saved by
painting them--
seeing, preserving
the wonder we faced, life
a painting seen on ones last bed
the pictures whirling-- past,
the fading colors through reeds
the sunflowers,
by their repetition, comic--
brown, now, tragic stripes
the bread and the wine--
toppled still-life
unrealized, blank
dark now
inner form, emerges
the striped torso
over broken
BEAUTY, in this cycle
to be used as pawns
to make critics bouquets
each of us only a page?
of a world? mosaic they say, pigeon holed,
in his place, playing one note only
NO, I want to play all the parts, At Once!
spoiled child and withdrawn from the game--
idle conversation, bores
Great voices showing direction!
each in democratic depth !
The modern mediocrity
to be, hung, as meat revolving
all the broken pieces
decorative, lowest denominators
but look the sun shines on us all
a far off, waterfall spilling
silent-- yet continuing through
blackened space
to wildflower glow of back lit sun
and narrative builds and breaks
bird of great height
west of dream, this imagination
a god flies unconcerned
power suit, joker, King
coyote warrior,
blue man mind,
artist poet
the critical, bummer queen
cool princess, corrupting force
culture’s fashion, whore
the natural nude in
sun warm, truth as nature
the whole cycle
muse in sun and naked flesh
the paintings revolving
through night
returning flower
hero in the sun
fading dream
to blank
figure striped, there holding truth
beauty in order and idea
come forward,
recognition in the sun
steps out from the ground
reaching from nature to cultural height
the repeated shapes, declare an end?
walk about
a down turn
the old dark bars,
Achilles had stepped from
that proud darkness into a braver light--
a wrong turn?
I’m feeling so far from now,
looking-- for connection
they’re all gone--
One went West!
Maybe why I write this poem. Finding the order from despair and cynicism to the reaching of poetry in naturalistic form and symbol. All this attaining some similarity to the Epic form and a form of an art to follow for myself. A way to get through life as one gets through a journey, that cliched though archetypal symbol I hadn’t been able to shake.
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